Structural Bodywork & Myo-fascial Release
Structural Integration is a type of bodywork that focuses on the connective tissue, or fascia, of the body. Fascia surrounds muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels, organs, and nerves, binding some structures together while permitting others to slide smoothly over each other. Fascia is designed to be elastic and move freely with muscles and bones. Injury, stress, work-related repetitive movements and the effects of aging can cause fascia to lose its elasticity and become shorter, tighter, and more dense. Tightened fascia pulls our muscles and skeleton out of proper alignment and posture, which can cause pain, discomfort, and fatigue.Structural Integration works to lengthen, stretch, and soften this tissue to restore postural balance, ease of movement, and a feeling of being more at home in your own body. It is practiced in an organized series of sessions or individual sessions within a framework that is designed to restore postural balance by aligning and integrating the body in gravit
1 hour $80 90 minutes $120 2 hours $160
Cranio Sacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. Using a soft touch which is generally no greater than 5 grams – about the weight of a nickel – practitioners release restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and it”s effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.
Effective in treating: headaches, TMJD, neck pain, whiplash, ADHD, autism, anxiety, and depression.
45 minutes $65 1 hour $80
Hot Stone Massage
A massage where stones are heated in water and placed along the energy centers and points on the body and used as an extension of the massage therapists hands. The heat from the stones allow the therapist to work the muscles more deeply without the discomfort of deep tissue massage. These warmed stones balance and ground the body, harmonizing the mind body connection and bringing the recipient into a receptive and present state. The mineral composition in the stones act as magnets pulling out impurities and detoxifying the body, reducing muscular aches and pains, and extracting stress and negative emotions from the mind. This ancient healing art has been practiced by many cultures including the Mayans, Native Americans, and Hawaiians who believe that stones soothe the elements and heal all ailments. Renew and rejuvenate with a Hot Stone Massage.
1 hour $80 90 minutes $120
Thai Yoga Bodywork
My ‘Thai Yoga Bodywork’ sessions are the unique product of 9 years of experience as as Massage Therapist and Bodyworker, Reiki Master, Yoga teacher, and Sound Healer. It is typically practiced on an infrared heated floor mat (bio mat) while fully clothed. These sessions are both relaxing and therapeutic, incorporating assisted stretches, positional release therapy, muscle energy technique, soft tissue manipulation and joint mobilization. Thai Yoga Bodywork begins to stretch and open the body while deeply relaxing the client. Flexibility is not required to receive the benefits, this work can be useful for all body types…This work has been called “lazy person’s yoga,” as one gets all the benefits of a yoga class without applying any effort. Afterwards, clients tend to feel as if they have been given a new body, one that is more limber, open and more alive. It is a true full body tune-up. The benefits of Thai Yoga Massage are countless. By freeing the flow of vital energy in the body, Thai Massage can improve posture, breathing, flexibility, digestion and circulation. Muscles are stretched, inner organs toned and emotional and nervous tension
1 hour $80 90 minutes $120 2 hours $160
Reiki & Sublte Energy Healing
Reiki is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life†and (Ki) which means “Energyâ€. It is a subtle and effective form of energy work using spiritually guided life force energy coming into the practitioners crown and out of the practitioners attuned palms. A session can either be hands-on, applying a light touch during the session, or hands-off where they will hold their hands slightly above your body. The session will then proceed with the Reiki Practitioner moving through specific standard Reiki hand positions beginning at the person’s head or feet and over the 7 major chakra systems. This subtle energy work transmutes negative energy patterns, blocks, and memories within the aura, chakras, and organs freeing you from past traumas, toxic habits and or connections, the root of pain, burdens and stressors. The session begins with sacred smudging to purify the mind and heart and simple breath techniques to let go into a mediative state. The sounds of the crystal and tibetan singing bowls will then be played to renew and revitalize your energy field on a cellular level amplifying your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Each session is personalized to what the client needs because we are all unique.
45 minutes $65 60 minutes $80
Offering Individual, Couples and Group Sound Healing Meditations and Cacao Ceremonies. Please call for more information or go to the power of sound tab and events tab.